Thursday, October 30, 2008

Twitter Typos

I know I am kind of behind the curve on this one (i.e. Dave Matthews has been doing it for months) but I finally signed onto Twitter yesterday. I’ve also linked my Twitter account to this here blog, so you can follow my micro-mumblings our your right.

Less than 24-hours in, a bunch of my internet-savvy friends have already told me that “they don’t get Twitter” (despite having handles themselves), but I theoretically like the whole Twitter thing. First off, I’m continually fascinated by how RSS feeds have turned our social lives into the Truman Show, and Twitter seems like a natural progression from simply updating my Facebook status every time I pick up my dry cleaning. Second, it is a nice exercise in concise writing since I am told I can’t go over 140 characters, let alone words. Finally, I feel like I have my brightest ideas when I’m kind of buzzed at a bar and being able to upload those fuzzy thoughts before they spill out of my brain and into my trademark 7 & 7 will prove once and for all if they still sound intelligent when I’m not intoxicated.

So I hope you all enjoy, at least until someone figures out how to Twit what I’m thinking directly onto my computer’s screen (think music, girls and chocolate milk, in reverse order).

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