Friday, April 13, 2007

Just like 12.31.02

So the bad news (for typo fans) is that the Greenhaus Effect has been on somewhat of a hiatus while we finish production on the next issue of Relix and get ready for the second annual Green Apple Music & Arts Festival. But the good news is also that all of that stress has given me a novel’s worth of blog ideas which will no doubt make their way to the world wide web in the coming days. In the meantime, please listen to my latest podcast (located in the dated player to your right). It features STS9, the Disco Biscuits and Explosions in the Sky, as well as Benjy and I. And, if you live in New York City, I hope to catch you at Emily Haines, Brothers Past, Guster, Toubab Krewe or Young Galaxy this weekend. Now stop reading my blog and try to get Wilco tickets at noon!

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