Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Shameless Plug...
Mikey Greenhaus
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Earplug Alert
2007-02-27-Tonight is a pretty jam, or at least, post-jam packed evening in
Here is a tearjerker I wrote on them for
Monday, February 26, 2007
Animal Haus

Despite having graduated college way back in 2003 and having earned a public noise citation for a party I threw my senior year, I didn’t attended my first frat party until this weekend. Skidmore, my alama matter, didn’t support Fraternities, not because we were opposed to mass drinking, but because we were way too lazy to organize any of the ritual stuff which goes along with Greek Life. We did, however, have a number of legacy houses which allowed us to live out our Animal House fantasies without ever uttering the phrase “uggy, uggy uggy, oi, oi, oi.” While the type of students who inhabit these crash pads shifted from semester to semester, each party house’s central attraction remained the same: Stables (badass bonfires), Arabella (bands in the basement), Excelsior (a large lawn), Bloomfield (a packed porch), Alpine (a smelly septic tank), State Street (budding boybands), and Bensonhurst (kid tested, acid approved). We even ghettoized our small athletic community into a suburban commune called Gick (indeed, Skidmore is the only school with both sober and sports awareness floors).
In my day these three letters were pronounced “D M B”
Kenny, Darren, Nick, Eric, and I at Bensonhurst before our parents stopped dressing us
Friday, February 23, 2007
Phish ‘N Fish
The three of us have gone skiing a number of times since and each year we’ve added a number of our high-school friends to the mix. It is the type of tradition I hope to continue until I’m too old to ski (or, at least, until I lose my previous bet and the ice caps have all melted and we are required to swim in Colorado), but each trip has also reminded me just how far apart we’ve all grown since our days of eating wing-dings in our high-school Cafeteria. I play Phantasy Phish, the Jons play poker; I consider Spaghetti marinara a gourmet meal, they consider it a form of capitol punishment; I see the word through music, they hear it, by and large, as background noise. Yet, without hesitation, I still consider them my closest friends. Which makes me wonder whether we’d still be close if we met on today instead of in seventh grade English class?
Someone once told me that when it comes to relationships, the impact is what matters and the context is what makes it possible. I agree with that statement whole heartedly, but wonder how ten years of growth and definition has, in many ways, resulted in ten years of limitations. From the type of food I eat to the type of music I listen to, the type of crazy girls I chase, to the type of friends I keep, I’ve become pretty set in my ways and am, by and large, proud of the fragile persona I’ve created for myself. But, at the same time, I often wonder what I’m missing or, more accurately, shutting myself off from.
So, this year, I decided to do something different and actually ventured outside my dietary comfort zone. I tried sushi, salmon, and, even, a new food called Ahi (the Headphone Jams of the fish world I wager). While it has nothing on the tuna I favor from the deli down my street, I have to say it wasn’t bad either. In return the Jons listed to a party playlist and found a great new band called “Talking Heads” (I’m working on ‘em slowly but surely). So, today, when I went out to lunch with a co-worker who is about to go “post-Relix,” I decided to try my lunch in a sushi wrap instead of on a roll. I guess all tuna tastes the same, only sprinkled with some different spices.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Freebee Thursdays
In the summer of 1998 I spent five weeks in
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Shameless Plug
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Earplug Alert!
Even if your jaw still hurts from last weekend’s Bisco shows these three fine offerings should get your “untz untz” going
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Freebee Thursdays
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Shameless Plug
I’m not sure how to describe the evening except that I held my bladder for longer than I have since the summer of 2004. Here is a review/mini-essay I composed for Relix…
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Earplug Alert!
2007-02-13-Arcade Fire @ Judith Memorial Church
2007-02-14-Akron/Family @ Club Europa
Besides being my friend Liz’s favorite sandwich shop, Europa is supposed to be a pretty cool club and Akron/Family is supposed to be a pretty cool band. If Valentine’s Day is a social blackout day for you, I recommend this
I was feeling like a high roller after last weekend and all ready to spend $200 for
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Todays Post is Sponsored by the Letter J...
So, if I learned anything from my recent trip to
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Freebie Thursdays
I was actually on TV when I was five as part of the on stage audience for some kid's television program which, according to, either never jumped the shark or jumped on day one (Steampipe Alley if anyone remembers that ill-fated, in retrospect slightly scary, television program). I remember crying through the whole thing after the show's host (who, in retrospective, was either really hyperactive or a child molester) picked my friend over me to wear a cat mask, a footnote in my life I am sure some therapist can peg a whole lot of my problems on. Since I prefer blogging over psychology, I decided to dedicate this week's freebie to The Slip and offer this recent podcast which features 2006's best band in a more relaxed setting
Enjoy and purchase Eisenhower
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Shameless Plug
Either way, the Duo feature I did for the December/January issue of Relix has been posted online. So check it out and remember the golden days of late-2006.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Earplug Alert
The latest incarnation of the post-jam world’s latest supergroup features the Duo’s Joe Russo, Brothers Past’s Tom Hamilton, and Ween’s Dave Dreiwitz (and yes I had to Google search Dreiwitz’s last name to figure out how to spell it)
Does it say something about the status of Phish nation that I’m equally interested in hearing Trey speak than play? Wait, who am I kidding, that was always the case
Coachella got Rage, Bonnaroo nabbed the Police, and we reunited Cryptic Fiber. ‘Nuff said
A SoCal supergroup; a sit-in in the making
The indie-world’s answer to the Jammys has all the flair, but none of the flavor of my favorite night of the year. But it does has Stephen Malkmus
Jonah Smith would top each and every of my top ten lists if he didn’t work with me everyday. And, even so, he makes it up there a good chunk of the time.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Whatever You Do...

It occurred to me the other day, while flipping through some back entries of this here blog, that I’m pretty hard on myself, especially when it comes to girls. Admittedly, while sealing the deal may indeed be my most visible typo, I have learned a thing or two about female interaction in the last twenty-five years and, especially, in the last twenty-five days. And, as it turns out, the answer to my female problems wasn’t so much at the tip of my fingers, as it was at the tip of my toes.
2) Slippers
An updated version of the brown loafers I wore every single day in 2006, I nabbed this shoe while in
I’m currently searching for pair of “nice shitty shoes,” which I’m told can be both casual and stylish at the same time. I guess I aspire to be shitty chic one day.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Doctor, Doctor...
I‘ve been blessed with good health over the past few years and without realizing it, never built up a network of doctors after moving to New York in the fall of 2004. I also just realized that I never officially stopped seeing my pediatrician---I just kind of slowly stopped going----which makes me wonder if there is still some FBI-like folder containing my name, date of birth, and level of ticklishness filed at the
Anyway, over the course of the past few weeks, a few minor problems (back, foot, back of my foot) have emerged, and this week, I found myself on mini-doctor tour seeing three different specialists over the course of a two day period (no interlocking sets, alas). While not as exciting as, say, seeing a concert in each of New York’s five boroughs (perhaps my true claim to fame) or managing to mangle two dates in a singe evening (consider that a coming attraction for my next blog), seeing three unrelated doctors in the same week has shed some light on the state of the American Medical Association.
First off, I love how society rephrases the simple act of “going to the doctor’s office” to fit life’s various stages. When I got sick in elementary-school I was sent to the nurse’s office (as opposed to the principal’s office), when I got food poisoning at camp I spent time at the infirmary (as opposed to a military-like bunk), and when I fell ill in college I scheduled an appointment with health services (as opposed to food or, err, custodial services). And, now, finally, I am old enough to see a “specialist,” whose specialty seems to be figuring out creative ways to make me feel guilty about siding with the Evil Empire (aka the insurance companies).
Second, with each passing day I’ve come to realize that, as President Lincoln surely said, “alloffices are created equally dysfunctional,” and I’m not sure if its comforting or alarming that my health is being determined by an team of neoteric, coffee-drinking New Yorkers who spend their days surfing MySpace.
Lastly, I’ve decided that you can tell a lot about a doctor by simply sitting in his or her waiting room: the furniture, the wall decorations, and especially the magazines. Thankfully, I’ve yet to find a doctor who subscribes to Relix (indeed, I never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member or more accurately see a doctor who’d want to read what I have to say.)
You can also tell pretty quickly when you are hopelessly out of place as I learned at my first appointment. The first doctor I visited was a nice, accomplished, woman on the Upper East Side (aka
The second doctor I visited was more up my alley, a balding, 50-something Jewish guy who seems to have majored in podiatry, minored is twenty-something psychology, and failed standup comedy (though he seemed most interested in showing off his skills in the latter category). The meat of my appointment was divided into two acts: the first focusing on my toe, the second on my last name, which he acutely pointed out is more fun when pronounced The Greenhaus Effect (come to think of it he has a lot in common with my fourth grade class). Thankfully, after fifteen minutes of environmental riffing he returned to my toe, which he diagnosed as so gross, “it will impede me from getting girls into bed.” He then gave me some magic nail-polish remover, which he promised, like Mr. Clean, would make my toenail so shinny it would pull those same girls back from across the room no matter what type of shoes I have on (who says podiatrists don’t saved lives)!
My third doctor was clearly the most qualified to deal with my problems. Not only has he earned enough awards to wallpaper his entire office, but he managed to solve my medical condition without even inspecting my body! Upon entering the room he gave me a once over, realized I had ten fingers, two feet, and a low self-esteem and diagnosed my back condition before asking my problem. “You sit hunched over at a desk all day and it is hurting your back,” he declared from across the room. “But I’ve been sitting at a desk for 21 years and never pulled a muscle before,” I lobbied. “You also have never been 25 before,” he shot back.
Game point. Indeed, it took six hours, three doctors, and a seemingly infinite amount of insurance paper to determine that I am a 25-year old Jewish male named Mike Geenhaus, who works at a magazine and spends a good amount of time hunched over a computer.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Freebie Thursdays
So, for my first freebie Thursday, I decided to offer the first two songs from David Byrne’s long out of print 1985 score, Music from the Knee Plays. For those of you outside
Oh, and in a valiant attempt to protect my digital rights, here is a disclaimer. These tracks are for personal use only and should only be used to show off to overly pompous co-workers and lure unsuspecting girls with a serious Tina Weymouth complex into bed.